Single Shoulder Dame Bag Shopping Bag Star Fan Zi Mother Bag PU Stor høy kap. 6 Black with earth yellow
Single Shoulder Dame Bag Shopping Bag Star Fan Zi Mother Bag PU Stor høy kap. 6 Black with earth yellow
Single Shoulder Dame Bag Shopping Bag Star Fan Zi Mother Bag PU Stor høy kap. 6 Black with earth yellow
Single Shoulder Dame Bag Shopping Bag Star Fan Zi Mother Bag PU Stor høy kap. 6 Black with earth yellow
Single Shoulder Dame Bag Shopping Bag Star Fan Zi Mother Bag PU Stor høy kap. 6 Black with earth yellow
Single Shoulder Dame Bag Shopping Bag Star Fan Zi Mother Bag PU Stor høy kap. 6 Black with earth yellow
Single Shoulder Dame Bag Shopping Bag Star Fan Zi Mother Bag PU Stor høy kap. 6 Black with earth yellow


Materiale: PU

Bagasjetrendstil: mor- og barnvesker

Størrelse: Bunnlengde 40 * Topplengde 55 * Bunnbredde 15 * Høyde 30cm (stor)

Pakken inneholder: 1 * stor pose + 1 * liten lommebok


Black with earth yellow

Artikkel nr.


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