Wizards of the Coast
Dungeons & Dragons RPG Adventurebook Par-delà le Carnaval de Sorcelume french Multicolor
890 kr
890 kr
Tidligere laveste pris:
896 kr
Fr., 14 mars - to., 20 mars
Sikker betaling
Fornøyde kundeløfte
30 dagers åpent kjøp
Once every eight years, the fantastic Witchlight Carnival touches down on your world, bringing joy to one settlement after the next. Its owners, Mister Witch and Mister Light, know how to put on a good show. But there's more to this magical extravaganza than meets the eye!
The carnival is a gateway to a fantastic Feywild domain unlike anything found on the Material Plane. Time has not been kind to this realm, however, and dark days lie ahead unless someone can thwart the dastardly schemes of the Hourglass Coven.
The Wild Beyond the Witchlight takes adventurers from the Witchlight Carnival to Prismeer, a Feywild domain of delight, and is designed for characters of levels 1-8. This book comes with a poster map that shows the carnival on one side and Prismeer on the other.
- Explore the Plane of Faerie in the first official D&D adventure set primarily in the Feywild.
- The adventure begins on a campaign world of the DM's choice. The Witchlight Carnival, which serves as the means by which the characters enter the Feywild, can be dropped easily into any campaign setting.
- Adds two new character backgrounds: the Feylost (for characters who grew up in the Feywild) and the Witchlight Hand (for characters who work at the Witchlight Carnival).
- All encounters in the adventure include a non-combat option, allowing players to think and roleplay their way through the adventure if they wish.
- Classic 1980s Dungeons & Dragons characters return, including Warduke, Strongheart, and Kelek.
- language: french
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Wizards of the Coast
Dungeons & Dragons RPG Adventurebook Par-delà le Carnaval de Sorcelume french Multicolor
890 kr
890 kr
Tidligere laveste pris:
896 kr
Fr., 14 mars - to., 20 mars
Sikker betaling
Fornøyde kundeløfte
30 dagers åpent kjøp
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