3mk Protection
Apple Watch Ultra/Ultra 2 - 3mk Watch Protection™ v. FlexibleGlass Lite
409 kr
409 kr
Fr., 14 mars - to., 20 mars
Sikker betaling
Fornøyde kundeløfte
30 dagers åpent kjøp
250% more powerful display
Protection of the entire display
Edge-to-edge protection
For every type of display
Protects even curved edges
Ready, steady, go!
In sports you dodge. And in life? Impact, abrasion, fall. Doors, car body, asphalt – everything can be a threat to your smartwatch. The watch on your hand is several times more likely to be damaged than your smartphone. Take care of it as carefully as you take care of your phone.
Proven protection
You break a sweat during training - we provide display protection with a real survival school! Watch Protection strengthens the watch face by up to 250%. Impact tests are not everything - we also check safety for you and the natural environment. Watch Protection is RoHS certified and PZH approved.
Simple assembly
How to effectively protect your device? The secret of success lies in a proven product and proper installation. At Watch Protection, we chose the installation method precisely, taking into account the structure of the display. You can install the protection for flat screens in a classic, dry manner. Protection for the rounded screen - using gel. This ensures a perfect effect and adhesion that guarantees extraordinary durability!
It takes differences into account
Top smartwatches differ not only in parameters, but also in design. When designing Watch Protection, we took into account all the details: edge rounding, convexity and accurate dimensions. The protection is, depending on the component, a maximum of 0.2 mm thick and does not interfere with the appearance of the watch.
Vekt, gram
Artikkel nr.
Egenskaper | |
Kompatibilitet | Watch Ultra |
Emballasjeinnhold | |
Antall per pakke | 1 stykker |
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Frakt kostnad
Frakt koster 49 kr. Det er ingen ekstra frakt- eller leveringskostnader etter kjøpet.
3mk Protection
Apple Watch Ultra/Ultra 2 - 3mk Watch Protection™ v. FlexibleGlass Lite
409 kr
409 kr
Fr., 14 mars - to., 20 mars
Sikker betaling
Fornøyde kundeløfte
30 dagers åpent kjøp
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